Emerald has some time to kill, and so proceeds to quietly look around the room.
Emerald opens the drawers and finds piles of bandannas. This must be Giles room. Emerald toys with the idea of taking one, perhaps he could use it to cover his pendant, or even to keep the hair out of his eyes… But he shouldn’t right? It’s not right to steal…
After looking a bit more, Emerald finds a small box underneath Giles bed. Inside are some magazines and…
Oh dear… Giles really needs to be honest with himself.
>Frustration increases to 30/100!
Emerald hears some knocking, and quickly scrambles under the bed before realizing that it wasn’t coming from his door.
Through the walls Emerald can hear a muffled, “I’m coming in you brat! You better be ready to go!”
There is a large slamming sound and a crack, followed by some stomping around. Then Emerald hears the soldier say, “He’s escaped! Quick, gather the remaining guards and start a search! Do we have any pegasi left? Get them in the air!”
The soldier continues to bark out orders, and Emerald breathes a sigh of relief. For now at least, the trick seems to have worked.
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