Page 742 – Coach McDashThere’s more Fallout is Dragons this week! Hallelujah!
Session 57 – Resurrection Ritual: Libsyn YouTube
DM: The day starts at Ponyville’s track and field.
Rainbow Dash: Gotta do this right. If I’m gonna be coach, then there’s only one way to go: Baseball cap and a whistle! This whistle, to be precise.
DM: Wait, no –
DM: …Ack.
Pinkie Pie: Hey, annoying props are MY gag!
Rarity: Please tell me you aren’t going to make a habit of that.
Rainbow Dash: Don’t worry. I’ll only use it sparingly, to preserve its majesty.
DM: You’ve been snarking at this game since the beginning. Never thought I’d dread the day where you became unabashedly enthusiastic.
Rainbow Dash: Heh heh heh…