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Ever since I watched a Full Play of Until Dawn, I had this image in my mind and I was determined to see it through. I’m quite happy with how this turned out. I can’t think of anything I would change about it.
In case it’s not obvious, here’s the list of who each character represents and why I chose that character to represent that person.
Beth – :iconmlptreehuggerplz: Protective of Hannah (Fluttershy), puts others before herself
Hannah – :iconfluttershyplz: Trusting and kind-hearted, has a butterfly tattoo
Josh – :iconmlpdiscordplz: a little chaotic in the mind, humorous, cares for his friends
Sam – :icontwilightsparkleplz: level-headed, adventurous, most friendly, a little quirky, strong-willed and resilient
Ashley – :iconapplejackplz: scared easily, inquisitive, frank and honest, very observant
Chris – :iconsoarinplz: protective and humorous, charitable and curious, somewhat quiet at times
Mike – :iconrainbowblitzplz: A true prankster at heart and determined to prove himself, always volunteering to take action
Jessica – :iconpinkiepieplz: Fun-loving and playful, first at the top of any guest list to a party, has a softer vulnerable side
Emily – :iconrarityplz: has a passion for fashion, displays courage and resourcefulness
Matt – :iconmlpspikeplz: undeniably loyal to Emily (Rarity), ambitious and motivated, has a big heart
I do realize that some of the characters have traits that contradict the character I chose, but this selection of characters was my personal choice and at the end of the day, I have no regrets. No I don’t think these personalities are exact, but they’re close. The implied shippings are quite obvious too; Twilight x Discord (Sam x Josh), Applejack x Soarin (Ashley x Chris), Rarity x Spike (Emily x Matt), and Rainbow Blitz x Pinkie Pie (Mike x Jessica).
Do not Copy or steal or use on any other website!
Until Dawn belongs to Supermassive Games
My Little Pony belongs to :iconhasbroplz:
Art belongs to :iconkennehblaze: