Already finished her some time ago – but i wasn’t really online here for a longer time ;
This is Starlight Storm – another OC of me.
Like Solar Chaser, she once was at the Wonderbolt Academy. But due to some ‘difficulties’ she left the Academy at the same time as Solar Chaser and joined the Equestrian Army. After some years she met Solar again, where he was her Officer in charge. Both share similar histories – and thanks to Solar and some other (now Ex-)Cadets something even worse could be prevented for her!
She is now ,like Solar Chaser, part of Celestias Royal Guard.
I decided against my plans i had at first, because i liked how her body came out
Also someone gave me the idea, that because of her serious look, Starlight might be standing in the womens locker room – when accidentally a male comrade enters the (wrong) door, and stands now right in front of her.
Hope you like what i made, and maybe even like Starlight Storm, too