Pleas enjoy, while listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io-lHwXK3JM
Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg :salute:
My personal historical Hero. He acted, when others hesitated.
My idea of a ponyfied Version of him; to give the Pony the disability of 2 Fingers lost, i decided that he’d be a Unicorn and got a broken horn after getting wounded.
A Unicorn that is used to use magic, like levitation to handle the daily life, now barely able to use any magic (especially for a longer time) seemed to me equal like a human who lost 2 Fingers.
Es ist Zeit, da jetzt etwas getan wird. Derjenige allerdings, der etwas zu tun wagt, mu sich bewut sein, da er wohl als Verrter in die deutsche Geschichte eingehen wird. Unterlt er jedoch die Tat, dann wre er ein Verrter vor seinem eigenen Gewissen. […] Ich knnte den Frauen und Kindern der Gefallenen nicht in die Augen sehen, wenn ich nicht alles tte, dieses sinnlose Menschenopfer zu verhindern.
“It is time now that something is being done. However, the one who dares to do something, must be aware that he will go down as a traitor in German history. However, he omits the fact, then he would be a traitor to his own conscience. […] I couldn’t look in the women’s and children’s eyes, of the fallen when I did not do anything to stop this senseless human sacrifice. “
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
In memory of Colonel Stauffenberg and all others who lost their lifes because of injustice.:salute: