Source title=Censorship
Source description:
Happy suuuuper late birthdays to @Cocky-Pony and @rautamiekka! This one took far too long, but I've had this idea floating around for too long to let the opportunity to use it pass.
So Black Record (somehow) has always known that he's in a different sort of realm or "server" when he's featured here on TheCrimsonSpark, which explains why everything looks slightly different. And now Strawberry Coco knows too, and makes the discovery that drugs are censored over here lol.
I have no idea why I don't swear in these comics. IRL, it's one of my most favorite fucking things to do in the fucking world, like holy shitting nora. I guess it's just the style of content I wish to create here is all.
So this isn't me bashing Black Record for anything, I love 'im, he's the most stylish reoccurring character on this page. XD I feel he's got a bit of drama queen in him that would react like this.Anyway, I hope this is cool and I hope you don't mind I did it anthro! I'm really digging it right now, and I feel I can be more expressive with it. Plus clothes are really fun to do, I gave Record that cool purple jacket he was recently seen wearing.
Anyway, Strawberry Cocoa belongs to @rautamiekka and Black Record belongs to @Cocky-Pony
In the progress there are the uncensored panels lol, and a dialogueless version which is funny.
The 1st combined instance of anthro male Strawberry Cocoa with the 1st instance of anthro Black Record by the artist :D <3
Yeah, it so happens Cocky-Pony
's b-day is the next day from mine, but my wild guess is we're something like 9-12y apart XD
By "Black Record has always known" he refers to these:
- https://www.deviantart.com/thecrimsonspark/art/another-trade-of-the-art-749442375
- https://www.deviantart.com/thecrimsonspark/art/Art-Trade-With-Cocky-Pony-975581425