Made for Newbie Artist Training Grounds Alumni prompt: draw a pony exchanging gifts and hugs(or boops) / draw a pony partying with their friends and family for hearths warming eve!
Featuring G5 background character Bucket (placeholder name voted on through YouTube Poll) aka. Shiny Sparks (alternative placeholder name voted on through Derpibooru) inspired by their re-occurring alicorn animation errors.
Also featuring the almost identical, currently unnamed, unicorn background character (who might possibly be Periwinkle Pi from the New Generation movie).
Also featuring G4 background character Alula aka. Princess Erroria inspired by her slowed aging, famous alicorn animation error and subsequent alicorn Easter egg.
Also also featuring the G5 background characters of Strawberry Blonde and Sugarpuff Lilac, both of whom have been shown to have friendly interactions with Bucket.
Also also ALSO featuring a snow pony (ponified Yakutian Horse) OC named Katabatica Lee.