Role-reversal stories are so rare, so I decided to write my own.
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Chapter 2: A Foot Massage Gone Wrong
Over time, I noticed Derpy slacking on her duties. It was just minor things. She'd sometimes forget to wash dishes in the sink, tables had a layer of dust on surfaces or the floors were not as clean as they used to be.
If I questioned her, Derpy would just shrug apologetically
"Sorry, Anon," she would say with a sheepish grin. "I got so caught up in the bathroom cleaning I ran out of time for the living room." or "I wiped that table down already."
She would look at me with her big, innocent eyes as if I were wrong.
But I can't blame Derpy too much, though; even if she is getting a bit lazy, she's a student, not a robot, after all. It is quite normal for her to want a break sometimes, instead of constantly cleaning and dusting my big house. Besides, I'm not a neat freak who needs everything perfectly tidy all the time. A few messy spots are not the end of the world, are they?
On Saturday morning, I walked past the living room and saw Derpy standing on a chair. I caught a glimpse of her pink panties peeking out from the short maid skirt as she reached up to dust a high shelf. Suddenly, the rickety chair wobbled beneath her.
"Derpy!" I screamed out in fear as she lost her balance and tumbled down on the floor.
She made a quick yell. "Ow ow ow!"
I rushed over to kneel beside her. "Are you okay, Derpy? Did you hurt yourself?"
Derpy's face was scrunched up in pain. She nodded weakly.
My gaze caught her black stockings.
"Oh no, let me help!" I slowly took a hold of her foot and checked it out.
"It seems that you might have sprained it," I said.
"I think you should let your foot rest for a while. How about we go to the couch and I give you a nice foot massage so that it feels better?
"Oh. That sounds really good, Anon... But I don’t want to be a slacker. There are so many cleaning tasks left."
“You are forbidden to work if you hurt yourself.” I insisted with resolution.
She winced as she tried to stand up, but it was painful.
Gently, I helped her as she hopped on one foot, guiding her over to my white couch. She plopped herself down among the pink cushions and let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry, Anon," she said with regret. "I shouldn't have tried standing on that wobbly old chair..."
"It's alright. Don't worry. Poor foot. Let me give you a massage," I said, comforting her and kneeling before the white sofa on the floor in front of her to take a closer look.
She stretched out her leg, wagging her toes playfully and smiling lovely at me.
Gradually, I started to knead the soft skin of her sole through her black stockings with my thumbs, pushing out pain and tension.
Derpy let out a long breath, closing her eyes, and resting back against the pink cushions.
"Mmm... That feels incredible," she purred in bliss. "You have such fantastic fingers!"
I was glad to hear this, but soon I started to smell something — a faint, foul odour invading my nose.
Evidently, she had not cared about her foot cleanliness recently. Maybe she’d been too busy with her university lessons and forgot to clean her stockings.
One part of me was repelled as I realised — it was definitely not the sexiest smell. Another part of me, however, felt drawn to this odour and this situation.
I imagine myself pressing my face into those lovely toes of hers and breathing in that unpleasant smell, causing my cock to shift in my pants.... It felt wrong. I shouldn't be thinking about my innocent maid like that.
While I massaged Derpy's foot, my gaze kept drifting between her legs. Her eyes were closed, so I felt it was the perfect opportunity to sneak a peek. Her short skirt had shifted slightly, and I got a glimpse of the cute pink panties that I adored.
I could even see the outline of her pussy on them . My throat caught in my breath at the scene. But Derpy noticed me looking between her legs and met my gaze with a smile.
"Eyeing for something?" She cracked a joke. I quickly averted my eyes, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.
"I stammered apologetically, 'I'm sorry, Derpy, that was very inappropriate of me.'"
She giggled lightly.
"'Silly, no need to apologize! You're such a wonderful babysitter for me.'"
She wiggled her foot slightly in my lap, as if asking me to continue and give it more care and attention. Unable to resist, I resumed the massage, working my thumbs into her skin up and down.
"I would let you rub me all day. This is much better than scrubbing your toilets anyway." Derpy sighed.
I continued, glancing at her toes. I wondered what her unwashed feet tasted like. The queasy idea of licking her sweaty sole with my tongue, savoring every inch of her dirty foot, was strangely alluring.
Derpy would be shocked — maybe even she would slap me if I tried to do something so pervert right here...
This idea stimulated my saliva and made my cock erect. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face between her cute toes and lick every inch of them.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, mister Anon," Derpy said, suddenly flustered as she caught her foot smell. "I've been wearing these stockings for a couple of days without washing them. By now, they are probably pretty stinky! You must think I'm such a slob."
"No! It's okay!" I hastened to assure her. "I didn't even notice anything. Honestly."
Derpy didn't look like she was convinced, but she shrugged and wiggled her toes at me anyway, as if to say, "Go ahead then."
I craved to massage her. The scent intensified as I massaged her foot.
The smell wasn’t pleasant—in fact, it was awful. IIt felt so wrong to be aroused by an odor like that, but I wanted to sniff it more. Every time I smell it, I could feel my dick getting even more and more bigger.
While rubbing Derpy's foot, I leaned closer and closer…
"You're such a good master," Derpy purred above me. "And you don't mind the smell, do you?"
I nodded quickly. "No, miss Derpy!" I said quickly, trying to hide how much I was enjoying it.
"Your feet just have a natural musky scent and sweat. That's all. Your smell is very nice to me." My cock throbbed with desire as I lied.
Derpy grinned.
"Oh my God..." Derpy said suddenly. "You mean to tell me that you actually find it attractive when my feet are stinky and unwashed? Don't you? That's so kinky, Mister Anon!"
I felt my face turn completely red. It was completely inappropriate of me to enjoy the scent of her dirty toes that much.
"Ooh yes... right there," Derpy moaned as I ran my thumb over the arch of her foot. She had the prettiest, daintiest toes I'd ever seen.
"Seriously, Anon, I’ve never experienced such a brilliant massage!" she cooed above me. "I’m so glad you're treating your maid so well."
My cock jumped in my pants at her flirtatious words.
"Well...I love helping people, especially adorable girls like you, Derpy," I said.
"You really know just how to make a girl feel special. Thank you, Anon... " She purred.
"You know what," she said suddenly, propping her elbow under her chin and looking at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Why don't you give me a massage sometimes?"
I could hardly think straight, intoxicated by the strength of her dirty feet smell and the sound of her sweet voice.
"Anything for my lovely maid," I muttered. "Nothing would make me happier than taking care of you!"
She smiled at my enthusiastic response, clearly pleased by me.