This is a sequel to this: https://derpibooru.org/images/3489756
After escaping the 'cookie zombies', Rainbow decided to go Canterlot to find a cure for the virus. Or at least that's she GONNA do, however she ended up a in forest that far away from Ponyville
Rainbow: Confused What happened? Where's Canterlot? That's where I'm supposed to be.
Rainbow tries to fly, but she's barely above the ground before she sprains her left wing
Rainbow: In pain ARGH! Lands on the ground, now annoyed Great! Well, now I've sprained my wing and COMPLETELY lost my sense of direction!
She pulls out her magic whistle and tries to teleport to another place.....but no gold dust comes out...
Rainbow: Most dismayed Ohhh.... Fantastic... I'm outta gold dust... Sits down Shoot... And if I can't get to Canterlot and find a antidote, I know how bad the consquences will be... The whole of pony, griffon, dragon and many others will be wiped out... My family never really told me what to do in cookie-zombie virus... They only said "If you can't fight the bad guys, the princessess or one of us will help".
She stands up
Rainbow: But, where are Mom and Dad? WHERE is Canterlot?! ...What is the antidote...?