The Majestic Alicorn
By FangRoseTheHedgehog
Published: Mar 18, 2016
DescriptionHere's an updated version of my OC Perseus in his Alicorn form. He's just arrived in Ponyville via the Royal Train to visit Twilight and her friends.
The train in the background is based off of the Lego Emerald Night train set, and I really love the colors of the coach, so I added them. The coaches for the Royal Train are actually longer than regular passenger cars, but that's because they're built to accommodate more passengers. They're built by the Pullmane Carriage Company near Ponyville, who are famous for their lavish and comfortable railroad passenger cars and heavy duty freight cars too. Locomotives are usually made by the P.B. Changeling Locomotive Works in Canterlot (this excludes railroad rolling stock from the Crystal Empire; their equipment is made by the Crystal Locomotive and Carriage Company).
And I added some slippers to his hooves as well as the padding that the Royal Guards wear under their armor. Perseus did serve in different wars, ya know. Plus he finds it very comfortable, and it helps with back pains (go figure).
Hope ya enjoy it!
My Little Pony (C) Lauren Faust
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