DeviantArt (June 23, 2020 at 3:14:48 PM UTC)
Bad End AU: Tragedy and Comedy.
Hi! I decided to tweak up a little bit the design of Festivalus (left) and Carnivalicious (right). Also you can ask the something if you would like to! They have the same ability of breaking the fourth wall like their mom~"Stupendous! Revolting!
You'll be shocked, you'll be awed
A true freak of nature
A blunder of God
But possessing such talents
Hear them sing, see them dance"The twins are the opposite side of the same coin, one represents tragedy and the other comedy, together they can bring some balance to their chaotic powers. Born from the same egg, the twins aren't conjoined, but fused, they prefer to be like that, if they separate their power becomes too much to handle by themselves. They are excellent at performing theater plays.
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