Day 13.
This is 100% a reference to:
I couldn't see these two together for any reason. Like, there's NO WAY these two could possibly sit at a table and not kill each other.
But after spending some time with them in my head, I really feel like these two are a good match.
Like, not good like a GREAT and WONDERFUL relationship. But a good CRAZY oh my GOSH the sex must be INCREDIBLE and then they never talk to each other except to argue and yell at each other relationship.
Aria, in my head, is even more petty and narcissistic than in the show. And Zephyr is - somehow, magically - even MORE shallow. And ... I think the version of him in my head has somehow transformed into a pony version of Dermott Fictel from Venture Brothers.
I think these two are not done wrecking apartments and having drunken car accidents in my head. I think there's some more going on here. And I think I'm going to see where it goes.
For today's drawing, I allowed myself an eraser. But the first time I erased something I could feel the perfection monster waking up. So I put the eraser back in the box.
Anyway, for the technical notes, this is the Inked and Lettered
Used pencils (0.5, 0.7, 2.0 mm HB leads in Nicpro Drafting Pencils) for everything and then used Curves and Levels in PhotoShop to clean it up. Paper was HammerMill 20 Lb copy paper. Excellent white point, but no tooth - it's like drawing on clay. Which ... given the pencils I chose to use ... sucks. Gonna try the same thing with 三菱鉛筆 Hi Uni B or maybe 2B and see what I get. I mean, I really appreciate the uniform line of the Nicpros, but ... man. I gotta have my tooth, and right now it's just all slippery.
Notes to self: Learn how to cross hatch. Aria's left leg looks like shit. As does Zephyr's right leg. And ... seriously ... I just absolutely must have given up when I reached Zephyr's tail. What the hell even is that lump? It's a lump - that's what it is! I drew a lump at the end of his butt because I didn't take breaks and burnt myself out. And the wood grain looks like I drew it with the same pencils as the outlines - WHICH I DID NOT DO - so what the F is going on? Check my pencils: something is wrong in pencil town.
PS: Where are Zephyr's wings? Seriously - WHERE ARE ZEPHYR'S WINGS?
Ok, fine, whatever. I'll get it righter next time.
PPS: I see I'm still doing the thing that (someone) referred to as "Challenging Dialogue Placement". The "splitting the conversation" down the outsides of both sides of the panel. I think this failed. Too much text? Too little differentiation between when each figure is speaking? I mean - the IDEA was that each thing Zephyr says is a response to something Aria says. And I just don't see it in the final product.
Ok, fine, whatever. I'm going to call this one done and lessons learned and do the next one. I can come back to this when I do the full comic.