All glory to Darkcat 613
Graceful, without leaving Mark's arms, pulled out the key and unlocked the door. The human, fully sharing the unwillingness of pegasus to openh her arms, dived under the ceiling with her.
They were met in the hallway by Willow, who felt the joyful Glidee still on the way and literally crawled out of her bed on autopilot.
Not at all embarrassed by cold let in from street, the half-changeling gladly fell into double hugs, breaking into an obscenely wide happy smile and absorbing the warmth that her loved ones gave.
Hendricks, kicking the door with telekinesis, pressed both eqas tighter, happy no less than Whisp from the caress and trust that enveloped him.
"Oh, finally we got together, my dears,"
"We missed you, Mark."
Sleepy Willow answered only with a satisfied purr somewhere in the medic's neck, and Glide kissed her beloved on the top of her head with a laugh.
ЦAnd on the way you said something about sweets in your backpack?"
The medic nodded, appraised Willow's blissfully cottony state with Graceful, and picked her up too.
"There is such a thing. Let's go put the kettle on"
Willow muttered something sleepy but affirmative, and Graceful giggled happily in response and tightened her grip on the Infantryman on the way to the cherished teapot and tea leaves.
A few minutes later, the trio settled into the kitchen with a hot broth. Graceful cuddled softly towards Hendricks, very pleased to have his shoulder and support again. Whisp, on the other hand, was on semi-automatic pilot, slow sipping her tea and enjoying the closeness of herd sister and human. Mark, on the other hand, leisurely, as far as equas sitting on him would allow, pulled out the gifts from his satchel and listened to Graceful boasting about the position of a physical education teacher in an elementary school, and Willow purring blissfully.
Outside the window was slowly getting light.
This is fragment of my rehabilitation story to Fall of Equestria
You can read it by the links
And chapter, contains scenery from art, in progress