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Hey guys, check out my fanmade Wii game, I called it My Little Pony Mermaid Adventures (It's a fanmade video game I made up.), now you can go on a mermaid adventure with your favorite characters from Super Mario Bros., My Little Pony, Winx Club, Kingdom Hearts and many more! You can even go on an underwater adventure as seaponies too as you travel all over Seaquestria! I had this idea from the SpongeBob's Atlantis Squarepantis game!
Look at this picture:……
Template used: Wii Cover Template
Background used: deep blue sea 4 FREE: Cloudz Background Under water Stage background
Vectors used: Merpony Twilight Sparkle Merpony Sunset Shimmer Merpony Rarity Merpony Rainbow Dash Merpony Fluttershy Merpony Pinkie Pie Merponny Applejack Merpony Starlight Glimmer Roxy Mermaid Mermaid Peach (2D) Kirby MLP Style Vector
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