Emerald comes around the side and sits next to her, just staring out at the water as well. He let's this go on for a while before apologizing to her for sneaking into the memory room.
"It's okay." Joyride responds, "I was a little angry before but... I don't know. Just a little blank now I guess."
The colt offers her his blanket, saying that she looks like she has been out here a while.
"No, you keep it Emerald. It takes a lot more cold than this to hurt me." She says.
More silence.
Emerald says that he isn't sure that his mother is dead or not. It could be that his step parents were lying to him about that. He barely even remembers his mother.
"I tried... Writing Sunshine a letter. I haven't written her in so long... I just... I sent them through dragon fire." Joyride says a bit confusedly, looking up at the sky, and then back at the ground again. She starts to tear up and then says, "The letters keep coming back. 'Return to sender', if you will. That's not a good sign."
Though she doesn't move or anything, tears start streaming down her face. Emerald leans over and gives her a deep embrace.
They stay like this a while, and after she calms back down, Emerald looks for something, anything to talk about. He sees the cottage and asks where they are, and who's house this is.
"It was mine and Sunshine's. We'd come here when the heat was on, or when we needed to disappear for a while. Or heck, just when we wanted to." Joyride says, with a small chuckle, "I haven't been here in... In a very long time. Not since Sunshine left."
There is a silence again, but it feels at least a little more comfortable now.
What does Emerald do?
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