Tolling Belle - Graveyard Keeper/Grave Digger
Belle likes to keep to himself, for multiple reasons. Growing up, other foals were put off by his appearance, now even more so since he got his cutie mark. His parents were as well, especially Fancy Pants, who didn't like the stain on his reputation. So, Belle keeps to himself, enjoying the serene nature of the graveyard, and taking care of those who have passed on.
Clean Cut - Meat Processor
Clean Cut's piercing red eyes offput her parents when she was born.. especially Trenderhoof. She's stern, and to the point, also to the dismay of Trenderhoof. What many ponies don't know, or those who do like to ignore it, is that there are many creatures who do in fact, eat meat. It's very hush hush in mainland Equestria, even run underground as some would consider it, but there is a market for meat in Equestria. This is actually one of the main reasons other creatures aren't seen in mainland Equestria very often, but nopony would tell you that. Most other creatures produce and sell meat in their homelands... but there is a market for it in mainland Equestria. When Clean Cut got her cutie mark, and got herself involved in the market, her family was horrified. While Applejack at least was trying to accept it, Trender wouldn't. With him threatening to leave, Clean Cut estranged herself from the family, and most of Equestria on top of it.
Clear Pipes - Cloudsdale Plummer
Clear Pipes took after his dad a lot. They're both large and strong ponies, while may not be the smartest bunch, make up for it in their strength. His parents thought he might have been a singer, he even had a bit of a knack for it when he was young... but no dice. Fortunately, being a plumber isn't really that bad, despite some of the gross parts. His dad Dumbell even helps out now and again, as their physical fitness really comes in handy when working with large, heavy pipes. He's actually quite popular, and a lot of ponies seem to like him.
Fortune - Foresees Disasters
Fortune was born an alicorn, something grand and amazing.. but was also born blind. Nevertheless, she was loved and doted on by her parents and the public very much. One day, it seemed like she suddenly regained her vision! She could see her daddy, at work, which didn't make sense since she wasn't there, but she could see him! And then... he got hurt. Really bad. Fortune was found by her mother, sobbing uncontrollably, and with her new cutie mark. Despite the good news.. even though her cutie mark was concerning, she wouldn't stop crying, calling out for her daddy. Twilight had him sent home for the day, and only when Fortune was in his hooves did she stop crying. It was found out later that a freak accident happened with one of the cadets training, and would Flash have been there, something could have happened to him. It was only then did Fortune's vision and cutie mark made sense, she could foresee disasters. And she would see them again, and again, and again. And sometimes, the things she saw couldn't be prevented. Fortune is no longer a princess, and the only thing she does now is sit in her room, at her request, waiting for the next horrible event to be shown to her. She has permanent tear stains under her eyes.
Happy Smile Pie - Retail Worker
Happy Smile Pie is always there to make ponies smile! Even though she doesn't seem to stop smiling... and despite her smiling just being more than a bit creepy and off-putting. She works some of the worst retail jobs, with angry and annoying customers, but she always helps them with a smile!!
Serene Preservation - Taxidermist
Serene had the most promising start out of all the mane 6's kids. He was kind, happy, and loved working with animals, just like his mom. Unfortunately, when one of his favorite animals died, he picked up the art of taxidermy. His first project, which got him his cutie mark, made his mother faint when he showed it to her. He's gotten a lot better at it since then, and while Fluttershy still doesn't really know how she feels about it, they both love animals the same way in the end. Fluttershy loves her son and her family very much, it's just a little awkward at family reunions when he shows off some of his work.