And now onto my favourite season of the show, Season 5! This season, just the fifth season of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Fireman Sam and Thedore Tugboat, is what I would to call the peak of MLP! Many great things happened this season!
First off, the background ponies start getting a lot more attention, Princess Cadence and Shining Armour having a baby (Though, I'll talk about their child when I cover Season 6), Diamond Tiara turns and becomes a much better pony (And likely so as Silver Spoon) and, best of all, the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo) finally get their cutie marks!😁
Once again, we got some great episodes, great songs, awesome character development for Twilight (Too bad it got ruined in Season 6, Season 8 and Season 9...), some wonderful new characters (Like Moondancer, Countess Coloratura/Rara, Night Glider and especially Sassy Saddles!😍) and really entertaining, heartwarming and emotional moments!
However, it's hard to talk about this season without talking about what I consider the elephant in the room, Starlight Glimmer. Now, for the record, I don't hate Starlight, I think she's interesting, however, I feel like her redemption was rushed (A bit like Frankie and Hurricane's rushed redemption in Journey Beyond Sodor), plus I'm not fond of her becoming Twilight's student. I don't know, it just seems a little too...cliché. Personally, I think that Moondancer should have been Twilight's student instead. But, hey-ho, that's just my opinion, so if anyone likes Starlight being Twilight's student, then I respect your opinion.
Now, for my favourite episode of Season 5, it would be....Slice-of-Life! It's not just because it's the 100th episode of the show, but this is where the background ponies (Like Doctor Hooves, Derpy Hooves, Octavia Melody, Vinyl Scratch, Bon-Bon/Sweetie Drops and Lyra Heartstrings) really get their chance to shine! I mean, don't give me wrong, the Mane Six are great (And my favourites are Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and my personal favourite Rainbow Dash), however I think that they're rather overrated. Sure, it's nice having either one, two, three or all six in an episode, but I feel like they should let other characters have the spotlight too (Like what they did with Spike, the CMC and Discord). I love everypony's role in the episode. Octavia and Vinyl's music playing was cool, the arguing between Celestia and Luna was pretty amusing (And a nice foreshadowing to a certain episode of Season 7), the ending was really wholesome and I especially love Bon-Bon and Lyra Heartstrings' sideplot! It was really interesting to learn that Bon-Bon (Originally known as Special Agent Sweetie Drops) use to be a special agent! A fantastic way to celebrate the 100th episode of the most show!
For my least favourite episode, it would be....Party Pooped. Not only is Twilight just unbearable here, but that Prince Rutherford....Ugh! What a spoiled brat! I hate how he and the others treated the ponies, and it gets worse by the end for ponies forgive them despite they destroyed the things they had made aspecifically for them and nearly killed Spike! If I was the ponies and some yaks destroyed something that I had put a lot of effort into, I'd strangle the mongrels! 😡 There is a fanfic by infernape612 that is WAY better than the original episode! Link to the fanfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/274674/1/how-party-pooped-should-have-ended/how-party-pooped-should-have-ended
Overall, this is, in my opinion, the best season of MLP!