It was an impeccably hot day in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire was never this hot. The heat however did not phase Cupid, he couldn't be happier actually! He'd actually managed to get the slip on the Crystal guards that had been assigned to him, and as well as leaving them behind, he left behind his responsibility as Prince of the Crystal Empire. It wasn't like being the prince was very difficult though, he didn't have nearly as many things to do as his parents, but that didn't mean they didn't treat him like a foal sometimes. He'd been assigned a troop of guards, and though they had given him more free range than he'd had in years out of sympathy, it wasn't nearly as liberating as it was now to be walking along the streets of Canterlot, admiring the little boutiques, bakeries, and luxury stores that dominated the prestigious city, without a care in the world.
About an hour in of his carefree wandering of Canterlot Prince Cupid found that the slightly uncomfortable heat was getting to him. He sighed thoughtfully, and looked at the street that he was walking down, hoping to find some sort of ice-cream parlor to cool off in. However, he found some comfort in a soft breeze that fell upon the avenue. Smiling, he closed his eyes happily in enjoyment, what a lovely day this was. He stiffened slightly though, somepony had walked beside him and in front of him, bumping him slightly in the process. Next thing he knew, he felt something touch the bottom of his muzzle, he immediately opened his eyes in alarm. Standing there, smiling serenely, was one of the most beautiful and strange looking unicorns he had ever seen standing in front of him. She was nearly snow white, save for the light pinkness of her long, flowing hair. She was slightly thinner than normal, and shorter than him by about half a head. This wouldn't ruffle him normally. He knew how to deal with mares, he was a natural flirt with the mares of the Crystal Empire, as the Prince of love should be, but she seemed different....like she knew what she was doing. He only barely registered that she was talking when he looked into her crystal blue eyes and jumped, what was happening??
"Hello, and vut vould your name be handsome?" She asked in a dangerously sweet voice.
"Oh no, she has an accent!"
He only squeaked loudly like a frightened mouse in response, standing stock still.
She looked at him, much liked a cat would a mouse that had strayed into its path.
What happened next nearly gave him a heart attack.
Right there in the middle of a busy Canterlot street, she leaned in, moving just so that she was right next to his ear, and practically purred.
"Vats wrong leetle mouse? Cat's got your tongue?"
"Oh dear."
I'm sorry. Your poor little child Cupid....he didn't know what was coming to him.
I'm also sorry if he isn't a CadencexShining armor next gen, heterosexual, or not a natural flirt, I wouldn't know, that's the perks of a character having no bio, I get to shape him into whatever I want. :3
But I saw him and thought....let me just torture him alittle...
And I do not regret a single second of it.