Well, here is the eldest son of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, and eldest of twelve siblings. Despite being the son of a baker and a party pony, Rocky is really mellow, he's loves to help his parents taking care of the Sugarcube Corner after the cakes retire. Also, he's the favorite older sibling and cousin.
When Rocky was born, he was very agitated and and cried a lot even when his parents and others family members held him... Until Pinkie Pie handed Rocky to Igneous to hold him and try to form a bond with his eldest grandson. And after that, everything changed.
Rocky is a huge grandpa boy and he's the next patriarch of the family and owner of the Rock Farm. His Special Talent is: Mining and finding rare gems.
More info of him and his siblings coming soon.
MLP FIM © Lauren Faust.
Art © Artic-Madrigal.
Rocky Road © Artic-Madrigal.