Here's an alternate ending to 28 Pranks Later.
Pooh Bear was just walking along when he comes across a giant apple in a tree
Pooh: What a very big apple! And since this isn't a apple tree, I bet it's a cleverly disguised beehive! Calls up to the tree Oh, bees, that's a very nice 'apple' you had! And it's probably just fulled with honey!
The 'apple starts twitching and moving and then a familiar rainbow coloured tail pokes out
Pooh: How thoughtful! It's trying to fall off the tree for me!
????: Shhhhh! Keep it down, Buddy Bear!
A familiar pegasus pony pokes her out of the 'stalk'
Rainbow: It's me, Rainbow! I'm hiding from those cookie zombies! I managed to escape the barn and I'm not going to corner me again!
Pooh: A little disappointed ...So I guess I'm not get any honey out of you then?
Rainbow: Feeling a little bad Sorry, Pooh Bear. Best you keep moving. The zombies will get suspicious if they see you talking to an apple. Goes back into her disguise and tucks her tail in
Pooh: Looks around If certain zombies are listening, I was chatting with myself and not an apple or a pony. Walks off
Note: This is based on a scene from the Winnie the Pooh episode Cloud, Cloud, Go Away: