Deviantart Description:
here are more crossover Gens i got from: Spidermanfan16 and lcgyzma1,
i needed to get these up before i put up my new one!
so here are
Princess Novo Titan: Daughter of Princess Skystar and a Titan Holefish
given her grandmothers name, a big kind heart, isn't to bright, buy she
tries, very frendly, and love to swim with her fishy parents.
Half sister: Daughter of Sandbar and a Titan Holefish (Coming next).
sexuality: Demi-girl/BI
Light Rain: Daughter of White Diamond and Autumn Blaze.
Light is the brightest Kirkin to ever be born, has a big Opra star
career, and loaths being a princess,but loves her mothers very much.
Haft sister: Radient Dust.
sexuality: Asexual.
Princess Bloodshy: Daughter of Charlie,Vaggie and Fluttershy.
Bloody is a very shy, but excitable pony, wants to make her ponies proud of
her, and tries to get attention from the other big princesses, lover her mother
and is spoiled by her haft sister.
Haft sisters: Desired Candy and Daughter of Vaggie x a Phantom.
sexuality: Pansexual.
Silver Lace: Daughter/Kitten of White/pink Pearl and Pusheen.
an elegant cat/gem pony, that loves danceing and making Light Rain laugh,
tries her best, for her princess/diamond, and is loved by her mothers
Haft sister: Making Fun.
sexuality: PolySexual
Making Fun: Kitten of Pusheen and Bongo Cat.
a cat pony that love to entertain other/annoy them, tries to
put a smile on ur face, shes shy at first, but warms up fast.
Haft sister: Silver Lace
sexuality: Demisexual.
Necro: Kitten of Church and Salem.
a black cat pony that messes with the dark arts, and
get her self into trouble an of daily basics, trick you into
going to hell, and purrs you to sleep.
Haft sisters: Ellie,Decore Kei and Robin Paint.
sexuality: Lesbian.
Ellie: Kitten of Church and Goose.
a Flerken that like to make trouble with her haft sister Necro,
ended up dead more than once, but find her way out of it,
she purrs like a steam machine, and had a shocking surprise to give.
Haft sisters: Necro,Decore Kei and Robin Paint.
sexuality: Asexual.
Decore Kei: Kitticorn of Lady Rainicorn and Goose.
a floofy haft Rainicorn/Flerken, that loves her self, and
love to fly with her family, a motivational speaker that loves
to tell other, to be themselves and pick ur own path.
Sister: Robin Paint, another younger sister.
Haft sisters: Ellie and Necro
sexuality: Demi-girl/ Lesbian.
Robin Paint: Kitticorn of Lady Rainicorn and Goose.
the younger sister to Decore Kei, a sweet haft Rainicorn/Flerken
that love to paint the clouds, makes the pink with her magic,
and loves to paint, with oranges,yellows,reds, pink, and light blues,
loves her family.
Sister: Decore Kei, another younger sister.
Haft sisters: Ellie and Necro
sexuality: Bisexual.