Meanwhile, back at Twilight's Crystal Library...
Twilight: (trotting back and forth in concern) "I wonder where Spike is? He's never been out this late before. I hope nothing has-"
(She is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a scroll appearing from a puff of smoke)
Twilight: "A message from Spike! Let's see... 'Dear Twilight. I am currently spending the night at Zecora's place. She gave me lots of gems and a spa bath.' Well that's nice of her... 'It was rather relaxing bathing in her cauldron with vegetables and-' Wait, what?? (She continues to read the rest silently.)
(Finally she puts the scroll down looking rather bemused)
Twilight: "It looks like this princess is going to have a LONG chat with a certain zebra tonight..."
Zecora nearly lost her lunch, didn't she? And now it looks like Spike is going to be staying for the night. Good thing he's a magical message dragon useful in situations like this. Let's hope he remembers that...