8-year old Caleb is hanging out with his grandfather, 59-year old Freddie "Fred" Newberry, at Yellowstone National Park, sitting very close to the lake for a hot day.
"I appreciate you taking me along with you, grandpa." Caleb told his grandfather, always loving how his grandfather takes him on great adventures in the wildlife.
"Why, sure, my beloved and handsome grandson." Fred said giving Caleb a nice pat on the head right before looking at the water, seeing just how warm it is. "My, summer's a great place for people to visit Yellowstone National Park every year, and you, my grandson, can experience how nature lies within this park."
Caleb agreed and understood that he was always loving the nature, most likely in the spring and summer months, which is what he enjoys a lot. "Yeah, I feel the same way, too, grandpa!" Caleb replied with excitement.
Fred chuckled a little bit, and sometimes he makes and tells funny jokes about the park. "Ain't that worth a shot with your parents whenever they visit this beautiful park?" He asked, hoping that he can spend some time more with Caleb's parents as well.
"I'm sure they'll visit this park again one day in the future!" Caleb dreamed his parents would see the Yellowstone National Park again with his grandfather someday for fun.
"You know what? When you bring mom and dad with you next time we come visit this park, we're gonna try fishing and catch those fishes!" Fred came up with the best idea for next visit at the Yellowstone National Park.
"Oh, boy, I can't wait to go and grab one for next visit!" Caleb looked particularly excited.
The two looked excited seeing the chance for catching a fish on the next trip. However, when they both sat back on down, they heard the ground shaking a little, even the trees behind the two could be felt, too, causing the birds to make some chirping noise.
"What in the world is that sound coming from, grandfather?" Caleb asked his grandfather wondering and also curious where that sound was from.
However, the grandfather and his grandson are feeling the steps becoming louder as it approached the park. When Caleb and Fred looked up, they saw a massive-sized stallion standing behind the mountains.
"Holy smokes, we got a 50-foot giant stallion at the park!" Fred gasped in shock knowing how large the stallion was.
"Ahh, what a perfect day for me to see the nature being just as big as I am." Snap Shutter said, with his slightly deep voice echoing through the park, even Caleb and his grandfather heard his loud voice.
Though feeling a little nervous about the stallion's size, Caleb asked his grandfather, "Should we, umm... go and say hello to this giant?"
Caleb started walking, but Fred grabbed his arm, warning him, "Listen, kid. You don't wanna go any closer towards that stallion. We must make sure whether or not he is a friend or enemy first."
However, Snap Shutter was sniffing and smelling the scent that humans are around, even if they could hide from him forever.
"I believe those humans are this way." Snap Shutter said, as he walked straight towards the direction where Caleb and his grandfather, Fred, are actually, who are both hiding multiple trees.
Snap Shutter left huge hoofprints behind on the mountains, slightly damaging it while heading for the area where the two humans are.
"He's heading this way!" Fred ducked and tried hiding for as long as possible so Snap Shutter doesn't notice him. Caleb, on the other hand, still was not moving because he knows that the deep steps from the stallion's hooves kept on coming further.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are, little ones." Snap Shutter was still searching for humans around the park.
Caleb ran towards the giant-sized stallion, not even afraid of his size.
"Hey, Caleb! Come back!" Fred got up and chased after his grandson, who was interested in talking with the huge stallion. When Caleb walked up to the stallion, he hugged the stallion's massive size, without him noticing.
"Isn't he such a handsome-looking stallion?" Caleb looked in awe at the stallion's size.
"Caleb, I said get back here right this instant!" Fred yelled at Caleb for not listening the first time. "You step away from that big stallion now!"
Just as Fred almost reached his son, Snap Shutter, unfortunately, heard his voice, with his head looking down at him. Fred began stepping backwards slowly as he was feeling frightened Snap Shutter would punish him.
"Please, apologies, big guy!" Fred said, as he started running away.
Snap Shutter responded just as he saw the man run away from him, "No need for running! The name's Snap Shutter, and I have been searching for you humans around this large park!"
"So great seeing you, Snap Shutter!" Caleb said, who was more happy seeing the earth pony stallion at a great size. "You know, my grandfather was mad because he thought you are an enemy."
"Actually, I would not be an enemy towards humans. Like at all." Snap Shutter told Caleb.
Overhearing the conversation between his grandson and Snap Shutter, walked back towards the two, hoping he can give the latter. "Pardon for the interruption, but I'm so sorry for believing you are a foe and not a friend."
"I understand the apology, and you both should come with me on an adventure elsewhere in this spectacular park!" Snap Shutter suggested Fred and Caleb take a trip with him.
Fred and Caleb walked next towards the massive stallion as the stallion took big steps shaking the ground.
"Tell us more about you, big stallion." Caleb told Snap Shutter, hoping for more experiences from the stallion.
"Um, maybe later..." Snap Shutter continued his walk with nothing else to say at all.