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working on a grid for myself for funsies and figured i should post the first batch of fills. this is the first 10 out of 25 designs. and while these aren't necessarily for sale, if you make a good offer i'm willing to part with most of them. in order of left to right, top to bottom, the ponies are as listed
1.) sunshower (she/her; sunset shimmer x starlight glimmer)
2.) dust storm (he/they; applejack x rainbow dash)
3.) fluster flickerfluff (she/her; fluttershy x sunset shimmer)
4.) dusky comfort (he/him; big mac x rainbow dash)
5.) berry cherry (he/fae; sunset shimmer x applejack)
6.) cozy macchiato (she/her; big mac x trenderhoof)
7.) sunlight refrain (she/her; tempest shadow x sunset shimmer)
8.) mint truffle (they/them; pinkie pie x applejack)
9.) prairie petal (flower/flowers, they/them; applejack x twilight sparkle)
10.) donut crush (they/she; pinkie pie/tempest shadow)
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