Page 1738 - Rules of Engagement
3rd Sep 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?No matter how crazy you want to get with your game, communication remains key.
DM: Well... Hmmm... I don't really have time to worry about balance – I'm improvising my butt off. So yeah, I might be willing to roll with this.
Rainbow Dash: Woah, really?? I totally thought we were gonna have to, like, haggle it down!
DM: Well, I DO have some caveats. First, these rulings do NOT set any rules or lore precedent for how magic power-ups work in the future. This is a unique, one-time situation.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, you made that fairly clear earlier.
Applejack: Darn.
DM: Second... If you're going to be rolling wumbo numbers because of magic fusion, then that goes for Tirek, too.
Rarity: Fair enough.
DM: Which I guess leads to third... As sort of a heads-up... You might still end up in a "lose" state, even with all these bonuses.
Pinkie Pie: But we prepared for that, didn't we?
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we've still got the "secret weapon"...
DM: So long as no one's disappointed if that happens.
Twilight Sparkle: I think we're all on the same page here. We're ready to have a fun, epic showdown.
DM: No pressure, as always...