Ronnie Gearheart is a big strong mare. One of the strongest ground ponies, she is strong enough to break through hard rock with her hooves. She can sometimes deflect unicorn spells. Gearheart is almost nonverbal -- but she has a seemingly magical ability to diagnose and fix problems with machines and buildings.
Gearheart is poor at speaking words, so she usually communicates with gestures and notes. Even so, she understands most things people say. She has a hard time reading or thinking beyond a third-grade level, and her handwriting can be hard to read. Despite these barriers, Gearheart has a strong intuition for mechanics and basic engineering. In reality, Gearheart can grasp some complex subjects -- but she struggles to think in terms of words. Instead, she relies mainly on her five senses, plus her sixth sense.
Gearheart loves to build, fix, and play with machines, along with buildings. She also loves smashing things and digging through dirt and rock. Gearheart enjoys nearly anything involving heavy lifting. She loves rough sports, especially hoofball, kickboxing, and chariot racing.
Gearheart is nearly fearless. She's not afraid of getting dirty, and she normally tells people what she really thinks. She tends not to fear failure.
Unfortunately, Gearheart sometimes hits people who rub her the wrong way, especially when someone hurts her best friend's feelings (Blazey Blue). It's hard for her to feel close or affectionate to others -- except with Blaze. She tends to be blunt to the point of sounding uncaring about others' feelings. It's hard for her to accept feeling vulnerable, despite feeling a duty to protect the weak.
Nightlight closely relates to Gearheart's weaknesses. It's been hard for her to feel close to anyone except her big brother (White Night). She can literally explode when she gets angry. As the two start to understand each other, each starts to see the other within them.
Nightlight thinks mainly academically, but Gearheart thinks mainly with her intuition. Nightlight is mostly book smart, but Gearheart knows things almost entirely from practical experience. It's hard for each to understand and appreciate the other's intelligence. But when they start to, they start to appreciate that they complete each other when it comes to practical science.
Art by Tsitra360. Colored by me.