Originally posted on: June 8, 2020, 7:10 PM UTC
[MLP NEXT GEN] Sparkles Family Tree
Base by Owl-ClockWork
Left to right, top to bottom;
Lady Twilight Velvet Sparkle and Sir Night Light Sparkle:
Velvet and Night Light were actually an arranged marriage via their parents. They obviously weren't overjoyed at the prospect, but it was a long-running tradition within their families to do so. At first, they were at each other's throats, until they sat down and spoke for a while, and found out they actually had a lot in common. Their friendship, and subsequent romance, came after their marriage, quite a bit after, too. They soon had their two sons, Shining Armour and Twilight Sparkle. They named Twilight after his mother because, admittedly, they'd thought he was a boy throughout the entire pregnancy, and had gotten attached to the name. Twilight doesn't mind and doesn't actually find a gender in his name. They were supportive from the start, but maybe pushed their children a little too far in some circumstances. They got Shining his place in the royal guard through pressuring his training almost constantly, and really pushed for Twilight to join the school he did, and did not hesitate to agree to Twilight becoming Queen Celestia's personal student. They're very happy with Shining's marriage to Empress Cadance, who they already knew prior via her babysitting Twilight for them as a foal. However, they're still a little hesitant on Twilight's husband, Rainbow, whether that's because they're both stallions or because of Rainbow's personality or because of his social standing, which was clearly out of their circle (they are doing their very best trying to understand the... gay), but they do *love all of their grandchildren equally.
*Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof
Windy and Bow met as teenagers, and bonded over their shared experiences with abusive or neglectful parents. Rainbow Dash came a lot sooner than they had expected- and though they were obviously given him at a ridiculously young age, they recognised that Rainbow did not ask to be born, and it was their responsibility to take care of him. They both mutually promised they'd give Dash what they never got; supportive, loving parents, and they always did their best; even if they were a little over the top. Windy was not taught to fly as a foal, and so her and Bow took a great amount of time ensuring Dash could definitely fly in any situation, and they often over-rewarded him when he did good things, no matter how mundane. They never pushed Rainbow, they just got overly supportive at whatever he brought to the table himself. They were completely overjoyed when they found out Dash was a Wonderbolt, and even happier when they found out about his relationship with Prince Twilight Sparkle, not because of his status, but because they knew the prince of friendship had *to be a good stallion, and good for their son, too. They're also the kind of grandparents to maybe ask and want to visit / take care of their grandchild a little *too *much, but Twilight and Rainbow understand that it's purely because they care so much... even if they spoil their baby a lot.
*Empress Cadance and Prince Shining Armour
Shining Armour met Cadance when she visited to babysit his little brother, Twilight. It was quite a classic relationship, really, he thought she was super *pretty, asked her to date him and kept it secret from his family (because feelings were *embarrassing). Lucky for him, Cadance thought he was handsome, too. They were childhood sweethearts and ended up marrying, still through the fiasco in the show. Cadance loves Shining's family, and Shining isn't sure about Cadance's, since he hasn't had much of a chance to talk to her aunts, Celestia and Luna. They had two children, Princess Flurry Heart and Prince Cerulean Amour, whom they love equally, even if Cadance sometimes has to spend extra time with Flurry, since she is the heiress to the throne. They live very busy lives and sometimes don't have much time for their family, and usually it falls on Velvet and Night to babysit, but when they are with their family, they're all very close-knit... Minus Cerulean.
Prince Twilight Sparkle and Duke Rainbow Dash
*These two met the same way they do in the show, and were close friends in their group, just like the show. After Twilight begun to become more busy with work and had less time to spend with the rest of the group, as much as he didn't *want *to leave them behind, Rainbow began to realise he missed him. A lot. A lot more than his other friends. So, he'd go on Twilight's trips with him, and the rest is history. They ended up marrying and, using a spell, having their eldest daughter, Princess Vibrant. Rainbow wasn't too happy that their child wasn't a pegasus and couldn't, therefore, be an epic flying legend, but he still loves her. They, too, have busy lifestyles, but often they'd bring Vibrant long with them, and let her experience all of Equestria with them. They then had their two younger children, affectionately called 'The Twins'. They do their best to keep in contact with the rest of the family, despite how busy they get. Rainbow is a little awkward around Velvet and Night, he always feels a little judged.
*Princess Flurry Heart
*Princess Flurry Heart was born into as much luxury as a pony can be. She was born the heiress to the throne of the Crystal Empire, the great niece of Queen Celestia and Princess Luna, was coddled by staff at their own palace, Canterlot Castle... Everywhere. She was adored by her kingdom and most others, and she had *plenty of admirers. Flurry is bubbly and incredibly friendly, but not as naive as she seems. Being the daughter of the Empress of Love, she knows a thing or two about ponies' emotions and behaviours. She was joined by her little brother when she was quite young, and has loved him... Even in recent times. Flurry is very close to both of her grandparents, even if she gets annoyed at how close-minded they can be at times, and loves both of her parents. She adores her younger cousin, Vibrant, and spends as much time with her as she can, though she loves the twins, too. She also often overtook the caring role for her brother, as she felt staff wouldn't... understand him how they do.
*Captain Amour
*Captain Amour is the captain of the most feared band of pirates in Equestria. He's thought to be a myth by a lot of ponies, specifically foals, who never heard of the original prince's birth. He's rumoured to be cold, heartless, and... a womaniser? Seriously where do they get these things- anyway. He's actually just a kind of bitter guy who turned to a life of crime. He always felt outdone by his older sister, Flurry, and often felt his parents loved or favoured her more than him. After all, she could do everything they could do, she was the heiress to the throne, she looked like their mother, she was a mare... she just seemed *better. He grew up without many friends and thus didn't ever really know how to communicate with others, but he did find a small group of bandits as a young adult and stuck with them. He is incredibly distant to his entire family, choosing to pretend he isn't related and isn't a prince. He also gets very angry at anybody who refers to him as Prince, Your Majesty or Cerulean. He had his eye scratched and horn snapped throughout the years, his horn so broken to the point where he can hide it under his mane and pretend he's just a pegasus, which he does.
*Princess Vibrant Erudite
Princess Vibrant Erudite is the eldest child of Prince Twilight Sparkle and Duke Rainbow Dash. She's a very young librarian, who knows a lot *about the world around her, even if she doesn't know a lot about the ponies around her since she's such a shut-in. Her dads took her around Equestria all the time as a foal and she got to see pretty much *everything. She's very shy and reserved and gets annoyed when ponies recognise her as the daughter of a Prince and a Wonderbolt. She pretends she isn't a princess when she can, but she isn't ashamed *of her dads, in fact she's very proud of them and will go on and on about their achievements to anybody who will listen. She's close to her dads, she's heavily annoyed by her younger siblings but loves them nonetheless, her extended family (particularly her grandparents on Rainbow's side) and sees Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy as her aunts in some kind of way. Her only 'friend' is her cousin, Flurry Heart, despite Flurry never really having much time and their lack of things to talk about due to their gap in age.
*Princess Agile Sparkle and Prince Percy Dash**
Princess Agile Sparkle and Prince Perceptive (Percy) Dash (affectionately nicknamed 'The Twins' are pretty much inseparable. They spent a lot of their childhood travelling with their parents, and then with their older sister, and continued to be travellers into their adulthood. They go everywhere together and seem to be basically joined at the hip. Their personalities aren't very distinguishable either, they could easily be the same pony, save for Agile being considerably braver than Percy. They have friends in every corner of Equestria, but their closest seems to be PunchLine Pie, who they'll specifically travel to go and watch her shows for. They love adventuring, exploring and discovering new species of plants and animals, and rediscovering long lost relics and landmarks.
Rainbow (affectionately... Kind of) calls them the nerd twins, but he is very proud of his babies.