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In this post, I'ma delve a little deeper into her experience in Magic Kindergarten/School and whatnot. I was going to in her previous character description, but like I said there, I didn't want her description to be ten pages long XD. So, HERE YA GO!-
MAGIC KINDERGARTEN! Oh boy, as we may know, this time of her life wasn't the easiest, and we all know why (her horn ceases to work!). During the first semester of Kindergarten, Estella was falling very behind. She couldn't do anything, not even lift a quill. And once that final exam came (to turn an apple into a teacup) she knew that she wasn't able. Twilight even gave her another year at the school, but unfortunately failed again. Poor little filly couldn't do anything but mope and cry. So instead, Celestia thought that it would be great for her to be in a class of disabled unicorns that was held at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, as her niece, Aurora, was the teacher's assistant and could help her to find confidence and love for herself. At least this allowed Estella to make friends… and frenemies. Brightmoon Bliss (Moondancer's daughter) wasn't the greatest ponies in the world. They knew each other through their parents since they were foals and Magic Kindergarten. They were "slightly" friends, but are just kinda not. Bliss, like her mom, is studious and pretty magical, and was able to make it into Celestia's school. Bliss was prideful at the fact that she was more powerful than an alicorn and had gotten her cutie mark before her. Though Estella was good at taking insults, it soon got to her head and now she had hated magic school and everything that came with it… Except for a very gifted unicorn by the name of Polaris Star.
Polaris, the son of Trixie and Blueblood and the school's most popular colt, was the one to help out Estella. Sure Estella had her most beloved Aurora, but since she was older and had her own studies to attend to from time to time, she and Estella didn't really have much time to bond regularly. However, her and Polaris did. They were about the same age and both had no good promising friends to play with. Polaris was a very reserved colt and fancied playing alone. Sure he constantly had a crowd of fillies and colts wanting to befriend him, but he just learned to ignore them, because they don't mean no good. They only wanted to befriend him because he's a prince with status. Anyways, at one recess, he saw a lone filly in downcast, with her head and wings lowered to the ground, just looking for a pony to play with. The sympathetic colt trotted up to her and tried to lighten her mood. He introduced himself and presented himself as a friend. Estella was hesitant at first, but saw a sparkle in his eyes that convinced her that he was being truthful. She gave him her name and out of innocent doubt asked him to promise her to stay friends. He wholeheartedly accepted that promise and that's when their friendship began. Those grubby little ponies didn't expect such a perfect colt like Polaris to befriend such a clumsy pony like Estella. How ironic. Estella's frenemy, Bliss, most definitely was put off by this, because she wanted to be friends with Polaris too, but also felt betrayed because Estella was the only pony she knew.
~~~That's it 👌. This was the info that was cut out from her description. I'm glad I did this because a.) I have yet to visually introduce y'all to Polaris, Brightmoon and Aurora, and if I continued to mention their names y'all were gonna be lost (I mean, I would be too XP). And b.) It's easier to take in and comprehend.