EDIT: I had to edit out and change the centuries part to only a decade like 10 years after the events of MLP: Age of Equestria 3: Shrouded Darkness. Sweating a little…
So, I decided that I want to conclude with my MLP: Age of Equestria chronicles with a final chapter that takes place in the not-too-distant future where Sunny Starscout and her friends are now the new heroes of a new generation. In which I like to call, “Into the Future”. About a decade later after the events of MLP: Age of Equestria: Shrouded Darkness, hatred and fear has divided the Earth Ponies from the Pegasi and Unicorns after the Alicorns have died or disappeared until Sunny Starscout helped bring the Magic of Friendship back to Equestria and she became a new Alicorn after Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Royal Alicorns have died or disappeared. But when Sprout finds a dark magic tome and he foolishly unleashes The Ghost of Emperor Grogar, he went to warn the new main characters that he summoned a demon and has brought doom upon all of ponykind. Way the go, Sprout! First Bray freed Grogar from the Magic Mirror and now you had the audacity to bring his evil spirit back from the depths of Tartarus.