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Cadance and Dove both fought against Azrael but his magic overpowered theirs. Azrael struck Cadance with dark magic and rendered her horn and wings useless. Dove went to strike him again but her movements were stopped when dark crystals began to encase her hooves.
"Why are you doing this?!" Dove cried out, her magic slowly draining from her.
Azrael just laughed and smiled at his sister. "Because I was abandoned. I am the oldest of the crystal family and yet I get nothing. My father raised me by himself and taught me everything I know. Where was my mother when I needed her? Here in the crystal empire living her best life with you!" He hollered at her, rearing his horn to strike her.
Shining Armor and Ambrosia came running in as soon as they heard a commotion.
"Cadance!" Shining Armor shouted, running immediately to his wife.
Ambrosia stood in shock. He snapped out of his daze when he saw Dove in her weakened state. He charged at Azrael but was also stopped by dark crystals.
"Prince Ambrosia," Azrael began. "It's a pleasure to meet my baby brother. Maybe we share a similar feeling... You are the eldest known child to Empress Cadance yet you aren't the heir to the throne? Don't you feel-" he whispered in his ear. "-useless?"
Ambrosia shook his head and glared at Azrael. "I know who you are, Azrael... and no. I don't feel like that. I never wanted to rule the empire. Dove is much better suited to ruling than I am. Let us go, please. Maybe we can start over-"
"START OVER!" Azrael yelled, startling Dove and Ambrosia. "I've tried starting over but it didn't work. Ponies ran in fear of me. Now once I rule the Crystal Empire nopony will ever abandon me again."
Astral came running through the Crystal Empire with her friends trailing behind her. Her family... The empire... It's all in danger..
"Astral!" Magnolia shouted. "The crystal heart is gone!"
Astral skidded to a stop and stared at the sight in front of her. It was just the crystal heart that was gone. The houses were all boarded up by dark crystal and she could see the crystal ponies trying to get out. The castle was crawling with dark crystals and the sky was an orange color instead of its once beautiful blue. Astral shook her head and kept running. When they finally arrived in the throne room, Azrael was waiting for them.
"Well well," Azrael began. "If it isn't the element of magic and her friends. My father told me about your mothers. He almost ruled all of Equestria if it weren't for you. I would've lived a life of luxury but now I'm stuck living in the snow wastes!"
Azrael sighed and gave Astral a sick smile. Ginger and Crescenda readied themselves for a fight.
"We can use the elements to turn him into stone," Crescenda suggested.
"I wouldn't do that," Azrael pulled out the crystal heart and smiled. "If you get rid of me, you also get rid of the crystal heart and the entire empire."
Dove looked over at Astral and gave her a comforting look. "It's okay. The crystal empire will return but Azrael cannot rule Equestria!"
"SILENCE!" Azrael shouted at Dove. He then turned back to Astral. "So what will it be, princess?"
bases by katnekobase elementbases crayoncreates mylittlespider139
next gen owned by me
mlp owned by hasbro and lauren faustprevious: https://www.deviantart.com/wonnie-honey-bee/art/MLP-Friendship-is-Harmony-Darkness-Rises-967031659