Vanilla Bean
“Get the hell out of my face. You’re annoying me.“
Parents: Braeburn, Cinnamon Chai and Mudbrair
Siblings: Sandstone (half brother) and Spiced Chai
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Allignment: Moon
Talent: Making Coffee
Birthplace: Appleoosa
General Bio:
The youngest of the Mudbriar, Braeburn and Cinnamon Chai children, and the second biological child of Braeburn and Cinnamon Chai. Vanilla Bean is….. not what you would expect from a family like the one he was born to. Vanilla is mean and rude, and has no issue with telling ponies exactly what he thinks of them, even if it might hurt their feelings. He has no filter, and really doesn’t give a damn about anyone’s opinion of him.
His closest friends are Bubble Tea, Sinbad and Daybreak.
Future Spouse/Partner: Cake Pop, and then later Bubble Tea
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