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 1978x1114 PNG 2.92 MB
Size: 1978x1114 | Tagged: safe, derpibooru import, edit, edited screencap, editor:quoterific, screencap, aloe, amarant, amber grain, amethyst star, apple bloom, applejack, arista, auburn vision, ballista, barry, beachcomber (g4), berry blend, berry bliss, berry punch, berry sweet, berryshine, big macintosh, billy (dragon), blaze, carrot cake, chancellor neighsay, cheerilee, clump, coral currents, cozy glow, cup cake, daisy, diamond tiara, doctor whooves, donut joe, double diamond, filthy rich, firelight, fizzlepop berrytwist, flam, flash magnus, fleetfoot, flim, flower wishes, fluttershy, frenulum (character), fuchsia frost, fume, gabby, galena, gallus, garble, gilda, gimme moore, giselle, grampa gruff, granny smith, greta, gretchen, high tide (g4), high winds, irma, laguna, lemon hearts, lightning streak, lilac swoop, lily, lily valley, loganberry, lord tirek, lotus blossom, lyra heartstrings, maud pie, meadowbrook, minuette, mistmane, moondancer, mudbriar, natalya, night light, night view, ocellus, octavia melody, party favor, peppe ronnie, pharynx, pinkie pie, pipsqueak, pound cake, prince rutherford, princess celestia, princess ember, princess luna, prominence, pumpkin cake, queen chrysalis, rain shine, rainbow dash, rarity, rex (dragon), rockhoof, roseluck, sandbar, scalio, seaspray, silver lining, silver spoon, silver zoom, silverstream, sky beak, slate sentiments, smolder, snake (dragon), soarin', somnambula, spear (dragon), spike, spiracle, spitfire, spoiled rich, star swirl the bearded, starlight glimmer, stellar flare, sugar belle, sugar stix, sunburst, surprise, tempest shadow, tender brush, terramar, thod, thorax, time turner, trixie, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight velvet, vex, viverno, wind waker (character), winter lotus, yona, alicorn, centaur, changedling, changeling, changeling queen, dragon, earth pony, gryphon, hippogriff, pegasus, pony, unicorn, yak, the ending of the end, angry, applejack's hat, armor, bell, bipedal, bowing, chaos pinkie, cowboy hat, dragoness, duckery in the comments, eyes closed, female, flim flam brothers, flying, friendship student, glowing horn, grogar's bell, group hug, hat, horn, hug, image, king thorax, magic, magic aura, male, mane seven, mane six, open mouth, pffftftpfpfffttff, pillars of equestria, png, prince pharynx, race swap, raspberry, student six, teeth, tongue out, ultimate chrysalis, villain teamup, wall of blue, wall of tags, wind, winged spike
safe2368030 derpibooru import2781977 edit181554 edited screencap87272 editor:quoterific9246 screencap298182 aloe3384 amarant51 amber grain117 amethyst star3030 apple bloom68019 applejack219263 arista46 auburn vision287 ballista156 barry66 beachcomber (g4)38 berry blend540 berry bliss540 berry punch7767 berry sweet116 berryshine7762 big macintosh37553 billy (dragon)162 blaze385 carrot cake2641 chancellor neighsay965 cheerilee12383 clump244 coral currents74 cozy glow11405 cup cake5351 daisy2956 diamond tiara13630 doctor whooves12201 donut joe967 double diamond2016 filthy rich1409 firelight587 fizzlepop berrytwist10146 flam2642 flash magnus1078 fleetfoot2805 flim2767 flower wishes2826 fluttershy283255 frenulum (character)24 fuchsia frost149 fume250 gabby3524 galena47 gallus9809 garble2305 gilda12384 gimme moore107 giselle188 grampa gruff508 granny smith6534 greta527 gretchen22 high tide (g4)55 high winds303 irma189 laguna35 lemon hearts2617 lightning streak177 lilac swoop62 lily2578 lily valley2580 loganberry134 lord tirek7882 lotus blossom3512 lyra heartstrings36656 maud pie16460 meadowbrook1078 minuette7348 mistmane1031 moondancer6779 mudbriar1074 natalya144 night light3296 night view119 ocellus7316 octavia melody29955 party favor1845 peppe ronnie50 pharynx1469 pinkie pie280190 pipsqueak3572 pound cake3352 prince rutherford905 princess celestia123847 princess ember9607 princess luna128446 prominence267 pumpkin cake3063 queen chrysalis46401 rain shine692 rainbow dash306232 rarity238201 rex (dragon)61 rockhoof1436 roseluck6702 sandbar7309 scalio53 seaspray238 silver lining324 silver spoon8984 silver zoom324 silverstream8367 sky beak224 slate sentiments109 smolder12526 snake (dragon)27 soarin'19377 somnambula2620 spear (dragon)250 spike100810 spiracle101 spitfire17109 spoiled rich1735 star swirl the bearded2487 starlight glimmer66266 stellar flare1938 sugar belle4118 sugar stix58 sunburst9915 surprise3734 tempest shadow20289 tender brush163 terramar1032 thod56 thorax5912 time turner12199 trixie86802 twilight sparkle394254 twilight sparkle (alicorn)155939 twilight velvet6335 vex135 viverno42 wind waker (character)105 winter lotus163 yona6789 alicorn329312 centaur4583 changedling11997 changeling67909 changeling queen20101 dragon84978 earth pony427368 gryphon39568 hippogriff14552 pegasus489460 pony1495879 unicorn527106 yak6076 the ending of the end3906 angry38425 applejack's hat14140 armor33152 bell7068 bipedal44905 bowing530 chaos pinkie83 cowboy hat26050 dragoness13228 duckery in the comments21 eyes closed140070 female1530712 flim flam brothers1579 flying56158 friendship student2145 glowing horn27935 grogar's bell602 group hug1265 hat129911 horn191883 hug40063 image1089769 king thorax3687 magic100766 magic aura7806 male528515 mane seven7797 mane six40615 open mouth241170 pffftftpfpfffttff14 pillars of equestria367 png637163 prince pharynx961 race swap27557 raspberry1392 student six2163 teeth21629 tongue out161046 ultimate chrysalis585 villain teamup17 wall of blue45 wall of tags5758 wind2552 winged spike10024

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