1-2. Although they’re not the most outwardly affectionate parents, Maud Pie and Mud Briar still let their daughter know they are proud of her in their own unique ways. A small kiss on the forehead or a pat on the back mean as much to Zuri as a huge hug or a shower of compliments (those are usually provided by Auntie Pinkie, and never refused Heart ).
Azurite is a mare of many mysteries. One of the more secret aspects to her character is her knack for cheering her friends up without them even realizing it. Like her parents, she’s not really one that prefers being the center of attention. So, each gesture is never tied back to her, but she makes sure to be somewhere in the vicinity to see those smiles after the new Iron Stallion comic or bouquet of flowers are discovered on their doorstep. (Though, a certain pink aunt of hers may or may not know her secret and may or may not subtly encourage her endeavors).
“Oh, please, please?! You’ve got the most gorgeous palette, Zuri! You gotta let me experiment! Just a teensy little?”
reluctant zuri is reluctant