Another family photo! I’m on a roll with these, it seems XDAs usual, left to right plus a bonus fact!
Ruby Victory – Pale yellow unicorn mare with bright red hair and blue eyes – Ruby is terrified of the dark. Utterly terrified. While some find it restful, she finds it incredibly disorienting and anxiety-inducing. Thus, she sleeps with a night-light. And ten million stuffies. She’s the thirdborn of Rarity and Sunburst, and twin to Cosy Autumn.
Cozy Autumn – Pale yellow unicorn stallion wearing the brown sweater and glasses – He LOVES cheesy horror movies. Adores them! It may be because of his autumn name, but nightmare night is also his favourite holiday… but don’t tell anyone that! He’s the second eldest, and twin to Ruby Victory.
Rarity Belle – YOU ALL KNOW HER – Ever since she met Sunburst, she’s grown more relaxed about her looks and doesn’t try as often to keep prim and proper. She can snort while she laughs without apologizing around him, she finds.
Sunburst – YOU ALL KNOW HIM – Being around Rarity, on the contrary, has pushed Sunburst to put more time into grooming himself; instead of a goatee, he managed to grow himself a fine beard to boast about. All great magicians have beards!
Vintage Amethyst – Pale yellow unicorn mare with purple/pink mane and fur coat – She has the same gem-finding magic as her mother, but it’s sort of contridictory to her job; her job is to find vintage, second-hand things, not gemstones fresh out of the ground. Eldest of the family.
Ace Action – Light purple unicorn foal with tri-coloured hair – He has no idea what his talent is. None! Every time he finds himself comfortable with a talent, his cutiemark never comes. It’s extremely frustrating for him, but luckily Auntie Sweetie understands. Youngest of the family.
Background by BitterPlagueRat!