All bases made by Strawberry-Spritz
Some of the bases were slightly edited, and Capper is not a base, I drew him oof
Anyway, I haven’t been on dA for a hot minute.
Also I made a new Next Gen.
I know I didn’t really reveal much on my old Next Gen, but oh well. I may or may not make art for that Next Gen in the future. Not sure.
While the last one had most of my OTPs in it, this one is a little more… Random? Sorta. I mean, ZephyrDash and Capperty aren’t really rare ships, and I don’t even think TwiBurst is that rare either. But I wanted to work with some ships that I like, but didn’t think I’d ever get around to showing my appreciation for. And thus, Soulverse was formed.
Since a lot of the ships in this Next Gen are crack-shippy, I decided to make this a Soulmate AU.
If you don’t know what that is, it’s where the cutie mark of your soulmate appears on your back. I’ll make something later to describe how each relationship came to be.
Rainbow Dash & Zephyr Breeze
—Tidal Wave; Youngest of the two
—Coffee Bean; Result of Rainbow’s fling with Quibble Pants, but Zephyr loves him like he’s his own son
Pinkie Pie & Braeburn
—Sugar Frosting
Applejack & Soarin
—Snowy Wing & Quick Breeze; Fraternal twins
Fluttershy & Marble Pie
—Lotus Flower
Rarity & Capper
—Spice; Up until he was about six, he thought Opal was his sister
Twilight Sparkle & Sunburst
—Twinkle Belle; Youngest
—Star Beam; Oldest
Other ships you can look forward to in this AU are;
-DisMacSpike (idk what kind of ship name this is smh)
-Sombryx (Sombra x Pharnyx)
-maybe other things idk yet