My half of an art trade for Bryndel on the My Little Pony Trading Post. I really hope she likes this one half as much as I do. For a long time I’ve avoided using markers because my attempts to blend colors with them have met with utter failure in the past. However, recently I’ve tried going wild with the colors and not worrying about smooth blending… not even worrying about smooth anything, really. I’ve really enjoyed the wild, splashy results so far. I can’t say that it’s “scribbling”, although I’m not filling in solid blocks of color, because I put in a great deal of effort making sure the lines curve and dance just right. One nice thing about markers is the colors stay nice and bright, even when they dry.In this drawing, a male Firefly (Bryndel referred to Firefly as a male in her request) is laughing into the wind at his friend Medley’s protestations. The double inside out loop… dangerous? Danger is his LIFE.