Originally posted on: March 8, 2014
Characters from ma Dislestia RP. Say hello to Selena and Solaris, the parents of Celestia and Luna. From the times where unicorns worked together to raise and lower the sun and the moon, before there were such things as alicorns in Equestia. Selena and Solaris here being those who lead the daily ceremonies to do so.Selena, always very stoic and polite, taking everything with great calm and often takes command. But when you manage to poke her enough she can explode with terrifying rage, proving herself to be as two-sided as the moon itself. You do NOT wish to piss this lady off.
Her husband Solaris is much more laid back but also more easily upset. He likes to spend the day in the castle garden where he grows flowers. Often the one to talk reason to his wife if she goes into her rare rage modes. He luuurvs him some sun flowers.
These two are fun characters to use in our RP. Typical parents trying to figure out how to deal with their teenage daughters, still madly in love with one another and with a strong sense of duty towards their oath of staying neutral in Equestrian politics and simply focus on the movement of the celestial bodies of the sun and the moon
MLP;FiM © Hasbro and Lady Faust
Solaris © gvozdi
Selena © Me