Page 1326 – The Cavalry’s BeerAuthor: GreatDinn
Guest Author’s Note: “Drinking is one of those things that occasionally goes with RPGs. It’s not like junk food, or soda in that it doesn’t feel ubiquitous with the game, but most of the adults I know who play RPGs enjoy a brew or two during the process. I mean, it is popular enough that there are bars that base themselves around RPGs. As for why, sometimes it’s just because it’s part of the social atmosphere, sometimes, it’s because the player doesn’t feel quite as comfortable playing their role without a little liquid courage. And sometimes, as with my group once in a blue moon, it’s because the games are waaaaaaay funnier with one or two completely blitzed players and the rest trying to wrangle them. The days we feel like doing that are the ones where I bring out the one shots.
Story Time: Any fun stories about alcohol and RPGs?”
MD: Let’s try to keep the plot going. So-
AJ: Drinks’re here!
PP: Gimme! Gimme!
AJ: Gee, yer welcome. Make sure you save some fer everyone else.
PP: Oh hey, this could totally be in character for her too!
MD: Bringing alcoholic beverages to teenagers. At a school function.
AJ: You say that like it’s a strange thing.
MD: Nobody is going to get wasted at the Fall Formal!
Twilight Sparkle: They’re getting wasted after.
PP: Heeheehee! She gets it!
AJ: Naw, she’s prob’ly right. Ah don’t really feel like ah’d spike the punch.
Twilight Sparkle: It doesn’t seem like something Applejack would do.
AJ: How’d you know who ah’m playin’?
Twilight Sparkle: I’m psychic?