With Galaxia being comprised of four mares in one body, it would only make sense that there are some personal preferences preset that the Queen alicorn has mentally. One of those of course being the addictive love for the almighty pastry of cake, no thanks her Celestia part. As much as the other three warned against the late night consumption of such delicacies, stating that the cake would go straight to their already large flanks, Celestia ignored it. The calling of frosting and sugar too strong for the mare to resist. Sneaking out of bed and into the royal kitchen itself, she ventured to one of the many fridges and storage units in the vastness of the area. Cropping it open to discover that the baker’s had done as she commanded, leaving a triple layered chocolate cake in all it’s beauty for consumption. Once again she had strong second thoughts, the other three struggling to curtail Celestia’s control of the wheel before touching said sweet treat. That was until Galaxia got a taste. All resistance stopped, and pure “Cakelestia” mode kicked in as the Queen mother gorged recklessly the chocolate delight. Her plot swelling ever so incrementally at such growth much to the dismay of Twilight, Luna, and Cadence…
All of sudden the high from the consumption left her mind as she turned to face a certain stallion of hers along with their human child riding upon his back. A deer in the headlights appearance was all she could muster. Frosting still upon her face whilst her massive rump betrayed her from the other side of the refrigerator door.
“Oh dear…” she says
so much for a stealthy approach…
Done by the awesome :iconcactuscowboydan:child