_As the family settled inside Cadence took off her shoes snuggling into the soft warmth of her husband’s belly she would defiantly make a mental note to visit Shining Armor’s stomach once again so for when she needed a getaway from all the hardships of being a ruler of an Empire she relaxed listening to Shining Armor’s heartbeat almost falling asleep to the sounds of her husband’s body.
“Bet you can’t catch me!” Spike’s voice echoed keeping the tired alicorn awake.
“Oh yeah! What do you think Flurry wanna catch uncie Spike?” Twilight asked her niece who giggled aloud on her back she uttered ‘Uncie Spike’ just like her aunt had said. Spike laughed flying around the stomach walls as Twilight gave chase she ran after the taunting dragon as Flurry laughed enjoying the excitement, Twilight leaped into the air chasing after the cackling Spike.
“Just you wait Spike were gonna get you!” Twilight cheered egging on Flurry who kept laughing along with her dragon uncle.
The flying dogfight bounced around the belly walls Spike rushing into the stomach walls bouncing off them catching speed Twilight did the same fallowing Spike’s moves keeping up the game of cat and mouse they three spun around the giant stomach consistently bouncing off the walls of there host. The three laughed enjoying the chase but from outside Shining was feeling every bounce in his stomach so much it made him yell holding his stomach making Spike and Twilight crash into the soft floor.
“Ugh… My stomach” Shining Armor’s voice boomed.
“Oops…” Spike shrunk feeling guilty.
“Sorry Shining are you alright?” Twilight rubbed the squishy walls of her brother’s stomach.
“Yeah I’m ok now, what’s going on in there?” His became calmer but still boomed around them.
“Just having some fun brother, don’t worry will keep it calm form now on.” Twilight smiled patting the wall of his stomach. As things began to calm down Shining felt better enough to continue his walk through the snow he rubbed his belly feeling his family movement settle down he sighed with relief and breathed the walk as the cold winter unleashed its fury. Thankfully the remaining Sparkle Family settled into a soft spot of Shining Armor’s belly they rested back feeling the warmth of Shining’s stomach and soothing sounds of his heartbeat keeping them all calm and relaxed.
Shining Armor braved through the winter making back to Ponyville with no issues thankfully he spotted Twilight’s friends all gathering at her castle he happily walked up to them with a story to tell._