When they first crossed paths, Phil and Minstrel seemed to hit it off right away. In a world of literal sunshine and rainbows, someone who appreciated darkness, death, and all things emo was extremely hard to come by. That’s what they bonded over, feeling like each other were the only ones who truly understood the agony of existence. No Mother it’s not a phase. It wasn’t a surprise that they eventually wed and had a child from their union.
However, bonding with someone just as gloomy as you isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, so it didn’t last long. Phil found that Minstrel was more blunt and rude than he would’ve preferred, and Minstrel realized that Phil wouldn’t approve of most of his…”interests.” So they divorced and went their separate ways, with Minstrel going back to his home world and Phil taking custody of the baby. They felt it was better this way, but it didn’t stop them from being sad about it.
It also didn’t stop them from keeping in touch too~