“Mommy, Daddy, Papa! Look what I found!”
Pixie Monster galloped into her family’s home with childlike glee, carrying a jar filled with whatever she found while exploring outside.
“What is it, Pixie?” Sheltering Hooves asked to indulge her.
The filly held the jar out. “Berries!”
Minstrel Custard had never come so close to a heart attack in his whole life. By god, could kids be dumb! Pixie had swallowed a whole hoof-full of berries she thought looked tasty. And before anypony knew it, she was puking up purple liquid and foaming at the mouth. Luckily, Minstrel knew just what he had to do.
As soon as she vomited, Pixie looked up at her parents with fluttering eyes. “I don’t feel so good…”
Phil’s eyes widened in terror. “Pixie! What did you do!?”
“Oh god, we need to get her to the hospital, now!” Shelter exclaimed.
Minstrel kept a straight face the entire time as he looked to his partners then back at his daughter, rolling his eyes before rushing back into the house. Soon, he emerged with a vial of bright red liquid and practically shoved it down Pixie’s throat.
“Here, drink this. It’ll make you feel much better sugar cookie.”
Pixie had no choice but to drink from the vial shoved into her mouth, taking large gulps until it was all gone. She sat there, taking gasps of breath and sputtering.
“Papa, that tasted bad!”
“Would you rather have a bad taste in your mouth or would you rather be dead?” Minstrel asked rather coldly, trying to hide his own worry.
The filly looked down and uttered, “I don’t wanna die…”
His spouses stood in shock at the scene that had so quickly unfolded.
“Minny, how did you do that?”
“That substance is safe, right?”
Minstrel shrugged and smirked, giving them a wink. “She’s not foaming or puking anymore, is she?”