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I present to you a compilation showing every single piece of magic that the main universe Twilight Sparkle has shown (except for ones only in the comics, which were left out because that is a task beyond me). This includes the main series, Equestria Girls, the specials, and the movie. It was quite the task to go through every single piece of animated media with Twilight in it, but it’s finally finished.
To make it into the compilation, a piece of magic has to either be sourced from Twilight herself or be under her direct control. As such, magical effects that only occur TO her, with no input on her side (such as the Crystal Pony transformation caused by the Crystal Heart), do not count.
For the purposes of this compilation, the Equestria Girls and Pony Life versions of Twilight are not counted as the same character as the main universe Twilight, so magic that they exhibit is not included.
Given that this show does not go into the details and mechanics of many of these spells, I had to create the descriptions myself based on the shown effects and make decisions on what spells are unique enough to consider separate from other similar spells or not. As such, I do not claim this to be a perfect list, and there is room for argument regarding some of the details on this compilation. As an example, take the image showing the example of Magical Strength. It is canon that Earth Ponies have magical super strength, and it is also canon that Alicorns such as Twilight are a mix of all three races, so she also has Earth Pony strength. However, the strength limits of the characters in this show are very inconsistent, so there are no scenes that show her undeniably exhibiting this part of her magic. The scene in question was chosen because it very clearly emphasizes the strength difference between Twilight and Fluttershy, making it likely that this is what the animators were going for, but it could also just be a joke calling Fluttershy weak instead.
Another problem was that some of the spells didn’t really have any good frames that demonstrate what the spell is doing. For example, for the Voice Manipulation example, the only effects are auditory, so an image can’t really capture the effects.
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