<sub>Description from deviant art</sub>
XDDD yay more pony shippin’ stuff!!!! xDD and for this ship! i want to see MORE PEOPLE IN THISSSS TRAAAINNNN PLZXDD alsoo, I want to apologize to those who follow me and expect art from mcsm or little nightmares or another type of fanart that is not from ponies! it’s just that i am kinda obsessed with pony ships and all :/ and i kinda run out of ideas for more fanarts! so i am in an art block…? kinda i guess! but btw thank u guys for the support and the comments ! really! u all keep me drawing everyday!!
Now, bout’ the drawing, weellp i know that i said it a lot of times, but it’s just that i truly love doing this kind of drawings! it helps me to learn more things!and doing drawings for the ships i like, makes me really happy!, and i hope you guys liked it too!
AAAANNND if you want you can join me in this happy and crazy train of shipping! (we have cookies! )