Inktober Day 11
“There was a uniform, of course. It was known as the blueberry, coloquially, due to its colour. And as everything in the reign of Princess Plutonium, it was most stylish and elegant — But also devious. The long dress robe with golden filligree was designed in such a way that moving in it was particularly difficult. This was, of course, entirely intentional. For two reasons:
1. It broke you into shape. A student of the academy had to learn to be punctual and organised, lest they have to run, and risk tripping themselves up on the long robes and potentially destroy the reputation they’d been carefully cultivating.
2. It insidiously incentivised grace. It was, in fact, possible to run while wearing the blueberry. And thus buy yourself time to socialise, study, or slack off. But in order to do so, one would have to either learn to move in a very particular way, so as to control the flaps of their own robes — Or learn to hold their robes while they ran, keeping them from getting in the way of their hooves, but also necessitating the ability of splitting your focus into a telekinesis spell to your back, while running and looking ahead.”
Of course, my abilities to turn these words into scribbles leave something to be desired.