2013-02-21: Edited background, added shadows, changed the font and speech bubble.
Comment on the edit: This is one of my first MLP “comics” I made of vectors I found in MLP-VectorClub galleries. I considered to delete this, but… after giving it a thought, I decided to make it look a bit better…
When we think about Pinkie teleporting off-screen, we need to decide on one aspect of it – does she teleport with a blink (like Twilight) or in a portal-like manner?
I actually like the second option more. What do you think?
Here is my another “Pinkie logic” comic: [link]
Made in Inkscape and GIMP.
I edited the following vector:
MLP FIM Background 2 [link] by Scootaloooo
The following vectors were used:
Scared Fluttershy [link] by Proenix
Rainbow Dash is not impressed [link] by Mamandil
Pinkie’s legs and tail were taken from this vector [link] by Thorinair
Rest of Pinkie’s body were taken from this vector [link] by Quanno3
And Rarity [link] by patekoro
MLP and ponies belong to Hasbro and so on.