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WHoo! This is nowhere near finished yet! I may have to split it into multiple parts ’
Princess Twilight x Tempest Shadow: Evening Star, Estella Sparkle, Abacus Sparkle, Twinkle Star.
Rainbow Dash x Princess Celestia: Scarlet Dawn, Windy Breeze, (Rest Unnamed)
Fluttershy x Spike: (Unnamed)
Applejack x Shining Armor: Buttercup Preserves, (Rest Unnamed)
Rarity x Maud Pie: (Unnamed)
Pinkie Pie x Prince Blueblood: (Unnamed)
Soarin x Spitfire: Pyro Blaze (Rest Unnamed)
Princess Cadence x King Sombra: (Unnamed)
Starlight Glimmer x Trixie Lulamoon x Sunburst: (Unnamed)
Princess Luna x Queen Chrysalis: (Unnamed)
Discord x Treehugger: (Unnamed) (Unnamed) Flora Treehugger, Fauna Treehugger.
Sweetiebelle x Big Mac: (Unnamed)
Applebloom x Diamond Tiara: Mable Blossom, (Unnamed)
Lord Ember x King Thorax: (Unnamed)
-Lord Ember & Queen Novo: (Unnamed)
-King Thorax & Queen Novo: (Unnamed)
Original base by:
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