The three ponies were walking through Sweet Apple Acres. Sequin Stitch hadn’t been there often so he didn’t know how things worked around the farm.“So you kick trees… and the apples just fall out?”
“Well yeah, what do you think we do? Get a ladder and go up there? It would take us four times as long!” Apple Cobbler couldn’t believe him.
“Pardon my asking, then. I don’t exactly spend my time around farms or apples very often and I’ve certainly never kicked a tree before.”
Pink Lady Apple, who had been quiet the entire time, spoke up. “You should try it.”
Sequin and Cob looked at her, confused. “Why would I do that when I could just use magic to get them down?” Sequin asked.
“Um, well, I’m not very strong or anything, but I get mad or upset about something, I’ll go into the orchard and do it. It’s good for relieving stress. I even knocked a couple apples down. I’m sure you could do it.”
Cob blinked. “Lady, I think this is the most I’ve ever heard you talk…”
“Okay then, I’ll do it.” Sequin announced, walking over to the nearest tree. “So I just hit it with my back hooves?” He put his weight on his front hooves and kicked as hard as he could. One of his legs slipped as he hit the tree and he tumbled forward onto the ground with a loud “Oof!” Apples fell all around him.
“You did it!” exclaimed Pink Lady. “That was good for your first try.” She walked over to help him up.
Apple Cobbler was watching them and shaking their head when an apple fell square on Sequin Stitch’s horn, getting pierced on it. Cob burst out laughing. “You’re supposed to put ‘em in the basket, not make kebabs out of ‘em!”
Sequin grumbled, removing the apple on his horn with magic and tossing it at <del>and missing</del> Apple Cobbler, who fell on the ground laughing.
I forgot to color the lines again so I kind of did it last minute. That’s why it looks a little messy.