Emerald comments that he doubts Rat knows him, unless he has been spending lot’s of time around Zebra sailors. He then gives the best Joyride grin he can, though he doesn’t feel like he gets the effect right. Rat just sort of stares at him nonplussed, and Emerald swears he gets a look from Barber.
“Well, whatever. What do you want?” Rat says turning away from Emerald and staring at Ruby.
“That green gem you took from me. What’d you do with it?” Ruby asks.
“What do you think I did?” Rat snaps back.
“Well I don’t know, which is why I asked.” Ruby retorts.
“The reason Rat took the gem in the first place is because we were told to return it. Remember those guards who kidnapped us? The ones stalking around the building after that heist? Yeah, they made it clear how serious they were, and that they were not to be messed with.” Barber says, sitting in her arm chair and resting back into it.
“Yeah well, I don’t got it anymore. I took it back to them. We met in a warehouse near the docks.” Rat says.
“The one Sleepy works at?” Ruby asks hopefully.
“No, way north. Near Goat-Town. Warehouse 51.” Rat says shaking his head, “You can go look around I suppose if you want, but I doubt they just left the thing behind.”
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