Emerald and Ruby walk out of the door and shut it tight. Emerald then pulls out the key to the flat that Joyride lent him and opens it up.
Emerald asks Ruby to help him push all the letters inside, which they do. The colt then sighs, and says that he’ll catch up with her later, since he has to read all these.
Ruby shrugs and takes out one of the books she is practicing reading, and sits on the nearby bed while Emerald grabs for the first letter.
He opens it, and finds it to be from Sensoria. Getting a hunch, he grabs another letter and opens it. It’s also from Sensoria.
Going through the lot, he finds that every single one is from the blind unicorn, and they all pretty much say the same thing.
The letters all comment about her love for him, ask when she will see him next, hoping that he is okay, and asking when he is going to come down to learn magic from her.
After relaying only the last part of that to Ruby, she says,
“Well, why not? She’s a guard or something, right? She probably knows some pretty cool magic.”
Emerald shrugs, and then asks if she would want to come if he went.
“Ugh… I’d rather not get that close to those guys, if I’m going to be honest.”
Emerald says that she may not mind it so much if they aren’t trying to pick on her, and that she should give it a shot.
The filly sighs, and says she’s willing to go just to prove him wrong.
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
*Fan Wiki*- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
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